Thursday, May 05, 2005


I have been cleaning here around the college since monday. It is been good old fashioned hard work. hahaha. It is great being able to come home just wasted because the day was so long, you pushed your body so hard.

The only downfall - or hard thing to go through withdrawl about is the fact that the last time I had a job that pushed me physically and I would come home wasted I would watch a moive, then get something to eat. That was how I would recooperate. This time around however I do not live with a roomate that has a television. I really miss unwinding in that way.

So because of lack of TV - I have taken to the books. I just finished a really good series by Ted Decker, and now I am on my way through a five book series by Stephen Lawhead (which I have read already - excellent books) Maybe this proves how much I wish I could vedge infront of a TV. I started the first book of the series Tuesday afternoon and finished it last night....

Hey....did you guys realize that today is 05.05.05?!!
that's exciting - share it with a friend - tis the season.